Monday, December 12, 2011


In my Studio Painting class I wanted to make some work about the cycle of life. I love painting, and enjoyed working on this piece. I worked both from life and from photographs, which I felt was a good exercise. I burned some areas to create a fired look, but I feel that I need to paint more after the burning to blend the work back together.

Oil on Board

New Sculpture

I love the opportunities I have as a student to learn a wide variety of mediums in art. Sculpture is something I would probably never would have tired on my own, but after taking several classes, I now really enjoy working three-dimensionally. I made these pieces in my figure sculpture class. One is a bronze and steel piece, and the other is stone, resin, and bullet casings.

The bronze piece was sculpted from a live figure. In this process we use pieces of hot wax, and try to capture the gesture of the figure. After the wax is done we put several coats of ceramic shell on the piece to make a mold. The wax was then melted out and bronze  was poared into its place. After chipping of the shell I put a petina on the figure and attached it to a steel plow I found at my grand-parents home. I feel this piece is intersting, but it still has a way to go before it is completly finished.

Bronze and Steel Plow

This piece was made using a mold I took of my husbands face. It was a long process, but he was a really good sport about it. We coated his face with alginate, and then added a layer of plaster. After about 10-15 minutes we removed the mold from his face. The alginate is then coated with several layers of wax. After the wax cools the alginate is peeled from the wax. I then made a rubber mold over the wax so that I could use the mold for several progects. In this piece I laid the rubber mold out and balanced the shell casings in a semetrical pattern. I then filled the mold with resin to hold the casings in place. For display face is attached to a piece of white marble. It was a long process, but I  really enjoyed making this piece.

 Stone, Resin, Bullet Casings